Thanksgiving weekend plans? Support Locals.


Not sure what to do on Saturday? Drive along the Pacific Coast Highway and come visit us on the Malibu Pier. As part of Small Business Saturday, we've teamed up with Malibu Farm  to offer deals and scrumptious healthy eats – all with a priceless view of Malibu’s natural gems.


Park along PCH, eat lunch along the water at Malibu Farm, and shop our retail store. We’re offering 20% OFF all in-store apparel and accessories.


Don’t fret. If you’re not near, you can still shop our online store and stock up on hoodies and beanies to gift this holiday season. Use promo code: 20%OFFMALIBU to save!


Made in Los Angeles, we use sustainable cotton and dye extra softeners in our apparel and accessories collection. They’re so unbelievably soft, you’ll end up ordering one for yourself!






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